Choosing a Commercial Leasing Agent

Choosing the right commercial leasing agent will take time and research. You want to make sure that whoever you work with has the right combination of expertise, negotiation skills and personality to suit your professional needs. Don’t just take a cursory glance over an agent’s qualifications, but dig into the …

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The Market is Changing Quickly – A Case Study

Quick summary Challenge: Finding an appropriate office space in a tight market and on a short timeline to avoid a $300,000 holdover penalty and a lawsuit. Solution: We located a space that on the surface seemed small but actually had the perfect amount of usable space. We negotiated with the landlord to …

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Who Are Boise’s Landlords?

Who is your landlord? Given Boise’s slow but steady commercial growth, we don’t see the headline grabbing developments popping up to attract out of state developers. So we remain largely a locally controlled market with a few large players and many smaller, ‘one-off’ owners/investors. It is wise to understand the …

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What Makes a COMP?

When renewing a lease or purchasing a building, the term “comp” (comparable) is thrown around as landlords and agents justify renewal rates and sales prices. As a tenant or buyer, you may even be provided these comps by the other party as proof that their offer is fair. However, I …

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For a small business, negotiating a new lease for office or industrial space is a complex process. The tenant improvement component of a lease, if not handled correctly, can be a thorn in the side of all employees for the entire term of a lease. Having to pay for cost …

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What is the single biggest cause of tenant complaints in office buildings?

If you said heating and air conditioning, or climate control, you answered correctly, and your answer is confirmed by multiple research studies. The use of modern air conditioning in office buildings and homes came into general use in the 1950s. It made it possible for people to live and work comfortably in sweltering environments such as Phoenix, Las Vegas and much of the American Southwest. And it made the summer humidity of the Midwest, South and Northeast tolerable. As great an invention as air conditioning was, most HVAC systems still are far from perfect. Outside environmental factors, and simple things such as the orientation of the building to the stronger summer sun, can overtax a poorly designed system.

Should You Go Green? The Advantages of a Green Building

There’s no question that green commercial building is grabbing its share of headlines these days. Major corporations such as Toyota, Goldman Sachs, and BP have built and moved into environmentally responsible buildings, citing energy savings, healthier indoor environments, and smaller carbon footprints. Is green really better? Should you give green buildings a higher rating when considering competing lease or purchase proposals?

Confused by the New Lease Accounting Standard?

This past August, the U.S.-based Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the European-based International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) jointly prepared a new standard for lease accounting. It’s not clear when the changes will be mandated, but it is assumed the effective date will fall somewhere between 2012 and 2013.

What is it? Simply stated, the new lease accounting standard will place all lease obligations on company balance sheets as a liability.  Basically, these changes will make companies less valuable on paper.  This is significant if you are a publicly traded company; and possibly more so if you are valuing your privately held company for sale, applying for credit or luring talent through the worth of your company.

Is all office or industrial space just another commodity, like crude oil or wheat futures?

Are all office buildings or industrial spaces so similar that they can be compared on rental price alone? When making buying decisions for personal or business reasons, we all, of course, consider price, but price is just one of many factors. The building’s performance, durability, functionality and other aspects are all factors we take into consideration when making a major purchase. For the past several years of the economic downturn, commercial rents in the Treasure Valley have fallen or remained flat. With all of the focus on rental costs, it seems that other important factors are being excluded in the decision making process.